Captain William Kidd and his crew will sail into Milford Harbor and “take over” downtown Milford, CT on Sunday, June 12, 2016. This popular family event is presented by the Downtown Milford Business Association and sponsored in part by 7 Seas Restaurant.
Come dressed as a pirate and be a part of the state’s best and largest scavenger hunt! Participants will pick up a downtown treasure map and a booty bag at noon at Lisman Landing, then follow the clues to Treasure Stop Shops and fill up booty bags. Those who gather stamps at all stops can enter a drawing to win a Pirate’s Chest of Treasures (one for adults; one for children).
Start your day at high noon at Lisman Landing, listening to The Robert Atwood Band while awaiting the arrival of the Pirate Ship Oz from seas afar. Wind your way through the Pirate Shop Stops, and join everyone on the Green by the Gazebo to listen to The Elwoods. Have your pictures taken with pirates, pirates and more pirates. Enjoy the Milford Volunteers Ancient Fife & Drum Corps by Café Atlantique.
There will be special pirate-themed activities for children on the Green by the Gazebo. The Rock On Girls will also be on the Green, offering pirate-themed rock-and face-painting fun. So put on your best pirate garb, practice talking like a pirate, and search for Kidd’s treasure. The Cap’n arrives at Lisman Landing precisely at noon and the event continues until 5 pm when he sails off to unknown lands! For more information, visit the event’s page at or call 203-530-0103.