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Learn to Sail
This is the year for you and your loved ones to learn how to sail…or perhaps increase your existing knowledge of navigation, racing tactics, or running a powerboat.

Learn to Sail, because it’s fun!
The links below will take you to sailing schools, community sailing centers, clubs and other training organizations in the Northeast (and some to the South!). Many of them provide instruction in a wide variety of boats as well as US Sailing or American Sailing Association certification. Others offer charters, fractional ownership programs, private lessons, safe powerboating courses, captain’s license preparation, safety-at-sea seminars for sailors of all ages, seamanship and offshore sailing instruction, sailing instructor training, courses for cruising couples, marine science education, and much more. The top of the list are current advertisers that support the WindCheck Community. After that are many more who appear or contribute to our coverage regularly.
Black Rock Sailing School www.blackrocksailingschool.com Having earned national recognition as “ASA Outstanding School” 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 (every year that this award was offered!), and “ASA Outstanding Instructor” 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (x2), 2015, 2016 (x2), 2018 – we feel that it is safe to say that we are “America’s Foremost Sailing School!”
Blue Water Sailing School www.bwss.com
Landfall Marine Training Center www.landfallnavigation.com/training-center
Key Lime Sailing Club www.keylimesailingclub.com
Nautical School www.nauticalschool.com
Offshore Passage Opportunities www.sailopo.com
Sailaway Sailing School www.teamsailaway.com
Storm Trysail Foundation www.stormtrysailfoundation.org
American Sailing Association www.asa.com
Andrew Burton’s Adventure Sailing www.burtonsailing.com
Blue Water Sailing Club www.bluewatersc.clubexpress.com
Confident Captain/Ocean Pros www.confidentcaptain.com
Community Boating www.communityboating.com
Cruising Club of America www.cruisingclub.org
Discover Sailing www.discoversailing.com
Hudson River Community Sailing www.hudsonsailing.org
In-Command Seamanship Training www.incommandri.com
J/World www.sailing-jworld.com
Longshore Sailing School www.longshoresailingschool.com
Morse Alpha Expeditions www.morsealpha.com
New England Science & Sailing www.nessf.org
North U www.northu.com
Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island www.ohpri.org
Offshore Sailing School www.offshoresailing.com
Pettipaug Sailing Academy www.pettipaug.com
Sail Newport www.sailnewport.org
Sailtime www.sailtime.com
Sea School www.seaschool.com
Society for the Education of American Sailors (S.E.A.S.) www.sailseas.com
SoundWaters/Young Mariners Academy www.soundwaters.org
Tall Ships America www.sailtraining.org
Tall Ship Unicorn www.tallshipunicorn.com
US Powerboating www.uspowerboating.com
US Sailing www.ussailing.org
World Ocean School www.worldoceanschool.org
The Sailing School at the Hudson River Maritime Museum www.hrmm.org/sailing-school.html
Manhattan Sailing School https://
North Cove Yacht Club http://www.northcoveyc.com/junior-sailing-1
Narragansett Sailing and Boating School https://