Julia Reynolds and Hobi LewOn October 21, 2015 the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound (JSA) awarded two of its seasonal perpetual awards, the Clinton M. Bell Trophy and the Thomas W. Fowler, Jr. Trophy, to the 420 team of Julia Reynolds and Hobi Lew of Pequot Yacht Club in Southport, CT. The awards were presented at the JSA general meeting at Larchmont yacht Club in Larchmont, NY.

Julia Reynolds and Hobi Lew

Both awards are for best finishes at JSA open events, which in 2015 included Larchmont Race Week, JSA Race Week and Eastern Districts. The Bell Trophy is for highest score in all junior boat classes, and the Fowler is for highest score in junior doublehanded events. This is the second year in a row that Reynolds and Lew, who teamed up in a Club 420 in 2014, have won both of these awards.

“When Hobi and I race, we like to focus on ourselves and on working together rather than worrying about other boats,” said Reynolds. “We just click with each other, which contributes to our success.” Lew added, “What I think makes Jules and I a winning team is our chemistry in the boat and how well we know one another. We’ve been sailing together at Pequot for eight years – first learning together, then racing against each other in Optis, and now sailing together in 420s.”

Reynolds and Lew are currently testing the waters in an International 420, and competed in the I420 Atlantic Coast Championships in October. They want to thank the coaches who’ve worked with them over the years, especially their racing coaches JJ Monro, Pearson Potts and Max Simmons, and Hobi will always be thankful to Peter Miller of Bermuda, “for always pushing me even when I refused to sail!”

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