By Doug Dalessio
The Mount Sinai Sailing Association in Mount Sinai, NY sponsored its 41st Annual American Cancer Society Regatta on Saturday, September 17. We are very proud that our event is the second longest continuous running charity regatta in the United States. During that time we have raised over a half a million dollars for the American Cancer Society, and this year we raised over $25,000.

The author’s CS-34 Rode Trip (# 25261) duels with Doug Davies’ Cal 33-2 Gypsy Moon (# 141) at the mark.
We’d like to offer special thanks to two of our sister clubs for their support of this event. Thanks to Mount Sinai Yacht Club for their continued support, including use of their facility for the After-Race-Party; and to the Port Jefferson Yacht Club who provided their committee boat, and guest moorings for our out-of-town participants. We had over thirty boats register to race, in five different divisions including one just for cruisers.
The forecast was for very light winds, but that’s not what crews were greeted with as they headed out to the racecourse. The wind was over 10 knots, out of the east, with an outgoing tide. The seas were choppy, which made checking in with the committee boat a bit challenging.
The first warning gun was fired at 11:00 A.M, and five minutes later the Spinnaker Division was on its way. The rolling starts continued until all the racers cleared the line. At that time, as planned, a five-minute delay was incorporated before the Cruising division’s warning signal was sounded.
As the boats continued to make their way around the course, the wind started to drop to around five knots. Unfortunately that made it difficult for some to complete the course, and the race committee reluctantly had to award a few DNFs.

More than thirty boats in five divisions contested the Mount Sinai Sailing Association’s 41st Annual American Cancer Society Regatta.
Apparently, the unfavorable racing conditions didn’t prevent most from getting back to the party in enough time to enjoy the camaraderie, the food and drinks donated by several local restaurants, collect over fifty raffle and auction prizes that were also donated and given out, and pick up the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies that were awarded.
As with most regattas, there were some disappointed entries, but if you measure success by the amount we raised, and donated to the American Cancer Society, this year’s regatta was a big success. A big ‘Thank You’ goes out to the racing entries, all those that donated time, money and prizes, the two participating yacht clubs, and our ACS representatives. Without everyone’s help, it would not have been possible to achieve.
Founded in 1975, the Mount Sinai Sailing Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to affordable family cruising, racing, and social interaction among sailing enthusiasts in the area of Mount Sinai Harbor on New York’s Long Island. To learn more and to join the MSSA, visit ■
In addition to co-chairing the 41st American Cancer Society Regatta with Bob Hall, Doug Dalessio is a member of the MSSA Handicap Committee.