The legendary Little Scorpions frostbite program at Larchmont Yacht Club in Larchmont, NY has embarked on a fleet-building initiative to attract sailors of all ages in the tri-state area.

Now in its 89th season, LYC’s Winter Sailing fleet has always had an excellent formula, with some years seeing 35 to 40 doublehanded InterClub dinghies on the line Sunday afternoons. With an historic clubhouse and a protected harbor, first races begin at 1:30 with no race after 4:00, then into the bar for awards in A, B, C, Masters and Womens divisions by 5:00 followed by a quick “winner’s roast” chat accompanying the second beer and typically a bowl of chowder or chili and cookies. And with a 315 lbs. all-up minimum team weight, there’s a great mix of young and old, men, women and kids.

But as with all sailing, the competition for peoples’ time is as fierce as ever. To combat this, Larchmont has launched a Winter Sailing Membership that runs from October through April for non-members of the main club.

The fee is $600 for skippers 30+ years old as of the first day of racing. If the Winter member sails 50% of the season races (including regattas), winter membership fee is reduced 50% and is credited to the individual. Fees include boat storage. For sailors age 21 – 29 by the first day of racing, the fee is $300. If the Junior Winter member sails 50% of the season races (including regattas), the fee is reduced 50% and credited.

“We know this type of sailing is perfect for recent college grads, both from a competition standpoint as well as socially,” said Fleet Captain Ted Ferrarone. “While we’ve always had a fair share of that ‘market,’ we think making it more affordable can really help. For skier/sailors, 50% of races is very doable without disrupting family plans, especially when you factor in our two or three regattas per season. We also have plenty of boats to either charter or share as a team.” To apply for membership, contact Ted Ferrarone at

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