When you get ready to go frostbiting on a March day, a number of things hit you that are big pluses. The sun’s up for around seventy minutes longer, but it feels like hours compared to December. Birds are singing. Baseball has begun in Florida. Even though the water’s really cold, the sun actually works, so 35 degrees feels like 40 and 45 feels like 60! It is also a time of year when the breeze ranges from 5 to 25 knots in a 50-yard stretch of racecourse, never mind over the course of a day. It’s as if winter doesn’t want to leave, but spring is forcing its way onto the scene.

At WindCheck, we are more than ready for spring! This winter, we’ve been working on a number of initiatives, most importantly, a new website built for the Community to enjoy your content in a number of different ways. Highlights include:

1. Subscriptions – There are now three Community Membership Levels. Levels One and Two are free, and give you the ability to download issues to your mobile device like a tablet or your phone and allow access to the cool “flip book” version of the print edition on-line. This enables you to enjoy the beautiful photography in glorious digital format. Level Two adds our bi-monthly E-News. Level Three is a $29 per year membership for which you’ll receive every print edition by mail. You don’t have to choose any of these options to use the site, but we built them for you so enjoy!

2. Classified Ads – Now you can build and pay for your ad right on the site. When submitted, it will appear online immediately and also run in the following month’s print version. Plus, we’ve lowered our prices for Classified Ads! So, if you want to move your 40-footer, that Laser in your backyard, or your handcrafted ship’s table…have at it! It’s a nice system and if you have any troubles, feel free to ask for our help.

3. New Calendar! – The new calendar is really sweet…send us your events so we can tell everyone else! There are lots of events to make in March, like the Maine Boat Builders Show in Portland, March 22-24, or the Sail Newport hosted American Magic evening at the Jane Pickens Theatre in Newport, March 19th, or lots of safe boating and other training courses. There are also many things to start planning for like the CT Spring Boat Show at Essex on the first weekend of May and Storm Trysail’s Block Island Race Week in June. With Race Week’s new Plus One division, you can grab three buddies, enjoy great racing and stay on the boat!

4. And of course…the website hosts the latest issue plus archives of your favorite columnists or features that you may have missed. All of your advertisers have important links for you to use, so feel free to explore. They will open up in new tabs.
We really do take pride in how much response we get from you all. Whether it’s distribution, articles or photography, we receive pretty constant comments from The Community. So please enjoy and provide (polite) feedback via the button on the lower right of each page. We know there’s more work to be done, so don’t be shy. We did not want to let perfect be the enemy of good (you’ve heard that here before, I think), so please do visit windcheckmagazine.com, where you’ll see our new pride and joy.

See you on the water!

Benjamin V. Cesare

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