What started as a Shields-only regatta in 1984 has grown to become a keynote annual event on every sailor’s “must-do” list. Every July, our friends at Sail Newport gather an average of a dozen one-design classes on four circles of racing in the waters off Newport, RI.

The 40th Anniversary Newport Regatta serves as the Thistle Atlantic Coast Champs. © SailNewport
Invited classes include IC37, Etchells, 5O5, 12 Metre, Thistle (Atlantic Coast Championship), VX One, F-18, ILCA, J/70, J/80, Ensign (Regional Championship), Shields, Snipe, Sunfish, S Boat and Melges 15. If you don’t see your class listed, contact Regatta Manager Gary Knapp at gary.knapp@sailnewport.org to be included.
The Newport Regatta is known for lots of races and little waiting. Be ready for this challenging and spirited regatta on the legendary waters of Narragansett Bay. To learn more, visit sailnewport.org/calendar/40th-anniversary-newport-regatta ■