When WindCheck was started, it was inspired by SpinSheet Magazine out of Annapolis. As such, it was primarily a racing mag for Long Island Sound. In the twenty-two years since, it has evolved to cover all manner of boating including cruising, some power boating, junior and college sailing, history and of course some entertaining “how to” (and some “how not to”) stories from our excellent columnists. We have expanded geographically to the point that our standard line is “Manhattan to New Bedford” with a touch of the Cape and the Islands thrown in.
Well, we are back to the future in this issue with plenty of news and previews. Heck, we even have a racing roundup feature which strikes me as a fall thing but there are just so many events that have happened already that we were playing catch-up! And there are so many more coming. Even though this a Newport Bermuda year, there’s a plethora of cool and fun events lined up for the summer. Many of them are editorialized or advertised within, and I strongly recommend you have a look. By the time you see them on social media, it will be too late.
In other racing topics, there is a fascinating book review. OK, “fascinating” and “book review” are not typically used in the same sentence, but you have to check out the one about the two college kids who dare to write a book on sailboat racing…and more audacious still, they called it The Sail Racing Bible, like they are a reincarnated cross (no pun intended) between Manfred Curry, our Long Island Sound Daves (Dellenbaugh and Perry), and Stuart Walker! Well, Coop reviewed it and I must say, it sounds like a winner. I am not the first person to observe that if you want to learn something, you don’t necessarily ask the person who has forgotten more than you will ever know. Sometimes, the fresh take on the upward side of the learning curve is the most impactful. I can’t wait to read it!
Lastly, if you get exhausted from all of this racing or discussions about racing, and you need some quality beach time, the folks at Save The Sound have released this year’s beach report. Personally, I take pride in “out-beaching” my wife, (not that I am competitive or anything), but I want to hone my skills on nice clean beaches. This report is like a tuning guide for pro-beachers like myself.
See on the water…or the sand!
Benjamin V. Cesare