
The cruise aboard the Riverboat Adventure will be 2 hours long, 5:30-7:30 with a 5:15 boarding time

The bar service will be beer, wine, and a signature cocktail. Guests will receive complimentary boarding drinks and after that it will be a cash bar.

The menu will be passed h’or d’oevres, and stationary crudite and charcuterie table.

11 in stock


Sunset Cocktail and Eats Cruise for Sails Up 4 Cancer

The cruise aboard the Riverboat Adventure will be 1.5 hours long, 6:00-7:30 with a 5:30 boarding time

The bar service will be beer, wine, and a signature cocktail. Guests will receive a complimentary boarding drink and after that, it will be a cash bar.

The menu will be passed hor d’oeuvres, and stationary crudite and charcuterie table.

Once you complete your transaction, your name and number of tickets purchased will be recorded and on a Will Call list at the event. YOU MAY NOT RECIEVE A CONFIRMATION so please just come to Will Call. We will have your info and number of tickets you perchased.

100% of ticket proceeds go to benefit SailsUp4Cancer. Thanks!

Fine print: Capacity Will Be Limited to the first 40 guests. We reserve the right to stop selling tickets if capacity limits are reached.  Tickets are billed from WindCheck Magazine. Please do not dispute your charge. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you!

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