Save the Sound Dispatch

Save the Sound Dispatch

Looking at the Future

By Chris Szepessy

Looking at the Future

From his vantage point on the deck of the Cecelia Anne, the 143-foot catamaran ferrying from New London, CT on a mid-May morning, everything clicked into focus for Charles Rothenberger. As he scanned the steely spread of the open ocean, he realized he was looking at the future. In the distance were five turbines off Block Island – “America’s Starting Five,” as they’re called by Orsted, the company that installed the first offshore wind farm in the…

Save the Sound Dispatch

“Skittles” bring LIS water quality data to the public

By Chris Szepessy

“Skittles” bring LIS water quality data to the public

Peter Linderoth, would like to offer you some skittles. Not the candy, though the ones he has in mind are also little digestible bursts of color. These skittles, though, are no empty calorie confection. They’re packed with substance. And, if you care about water quality in Long Island Sound and the rivers and streams that feed it, they’re actually good for you. “Creating awareness about Long Island Sound conditions is really important,” said Linderoth, director of water…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Dana Dam Demolition

By Chris Szepessy

Dana Dam Demolition

By Lindsay Skedgell and David Seigerman   Melissa Pappas saw what she came to see. Though it wasn’t what everyone else was looking at. Melissa had positioned herself at the back of a pack of thirty people gathered in a dirt clearing in Merwin Meadows Park. The ground was pocked with tire tracks from heavy machinery, on site at long last to take down Dana Dam. For eighty years, the dam in Wilton, CT also known as…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Picking Up Trash On the Ground and in the Sound

By Chris Szepessy

Picking Up Trash On the Ground and in the Sound

By Lindsay Skedgell, Ecological Communications Specialist   Annalisa Paltauf has been managing the cleanup program for Save the Sound for seven years. An avid trail runner and cyclist, she spends most of her free time outdoors, appreciating what nature has to offer. “Since college, I have had a strong interest in preserving the environment,” says Paltauf. She believes cleanups are important because they provide immediate, tangible benefits and change, while encouraging community involvement and connection. Trash poses…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Restoring Regional Habitat by Removing Dams

By Chris Szepessy

Restoring Regional Habitat by Removing Dams

By Lindsay Skedgell, Ecological Communications Specialist Why remove a dam? What happens once a dam has been removed? These questions are explored in the Long Island Sound River Restoration Network’s (RRN) new Dam Removal Report. In the report, the RRN, a network of Connecticut and New York-based organizations dedicated to the restoration and health of the region’s rivers, presents the benefits of removing dams to restore free-flowing rivers. By collectively developing projects, sharing resources, communicating benefits of…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Meet Denise Stranko, Executive Vice President of Programs

By Chris Szepessy

Meet Denise Stranko, Executive Vice President of Programs

At the end of a cul-de-sac, wrapped in a gallery of trees, the only sound you could hear on winter weekends was the scratching of skate blades carving into the surface of the frozen lake. It was here, gliding along this stretch of ice beside her aunt’s house in Ridgefield, CT, that Denise Stranko’s connection to nature was set. “You can’t imagine a more picturesque setting,” she said. It seems fitting that Denise’s journey, like most that…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Save the Sound Dispatch: Like a Broken Record

By Chris Szepessy

Save the Sound Dispatch: Like a Broken Record

On a corner storefront in the Village of Mamaroneck, NY, about a block from where the Sheldrake River turns away from I-95, the exterior wall is wrapped with three horizontal blue stripes in paint and painter’s tape. The lowest, several feet above street level, is marked by red print on a white sign: Nor’easter, 4/16/2007. It’s the height the floodwaters reached during a rare spring storm that broke rainfall records throughout the region and required hundreds of…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Journey of a Water Sample

By Chris Szepessy

Journey of a Water Sample

  Over the 12 weeks of its 2023 bacteria monitoring season, Save the Sound collected roughly 780 water samples from 60+ sites along the western Long Island Sound. Every sample was analyzed in the John and Daria Barry Foundation Water Quality Lab in the organization’s Larchmon, NY office. Results were published weekly at As with many journeys, this one ends with a dot on a map. Not a destination, in this case, but a designation. A…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Eelgrass Shoots and Film Shoots

By Chris Szepessy

Eelgrass Shoots and Film Shoots

  The only thing more challenging than the water temperature – a biting mid-50s on a late May morning – was the turbidity. Already unable to see much beyond her outstretched fingertips, Emma DeLoughry resisted the temptation to feel her way along the sea floor; stirring up the sediment would have made it even harder to find what she was searching for in the muddy, murky waters of New York’s Smithtown Bay. Emma spotted two horseshoe crabs…

Save the Sound Dispatch

Six Years of Trash Data is in. What Will We Find this Connecticut Cleanup Season?

By Chris Szepessy

Six Years of Trash Data is in. What Will We Find this Connecticut Cleanup Season?

By Melissa Pappas, ecological communications specialist     People from around the world come together to clean up their beaches on International Coastal Cleanup Day (ICCD), first put on the calendar by Ocean Conservancy over 35 years ago. Since then, the effort has seen 17 million people pick up 350 million pounds of plastic and debris across 150 countries. Save the Sound, the official host for Connecticut’s cleanups for over 20 years, has taken that day and…

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