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April 2013
Spring Commissioning Checklist
Before you cruise, don’t forget your Spring commissioning checklist.
Read Article »Sound Environment
NOAA’s New Northeast Chief’s first official act – Undermining the Marine Mammal Protection Act?
Against the recommendations of the federally appointed Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Team, John Harbor porpoise, a by-catch of commercial fishing, are often caught and suffocate in gillnets. © A. Reckendorf/WDC Bullard, the newly named Northeast Fisheries Administrator, recently announced that he is circumventing the process set out by the Marine Mammal Protection Act to reduce by-catch (incidental death) of harbor porpoise. Prior to Bullard’s August appointment, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued a letter to fishermen in…
Read Article »Book Review
The Voyage of Yankee Lady: Circumnavigating New England on a Sailboat
Any sailor who’s ever dreamed of making a long voyage on a modest boat and with a modest budget will find much to enjoy in this fine book.
Selecting a Sailing School
Learning to sail? Here are some tips on selecting a sailing school.
Career Training Opportunities Take Root in Rhode Island
Rhode Island has become a leader in marine trades career tech programs for high school students.
Read Article »Coop's Corner
Open Class(room)
Next time you’re out sailing with your kids, think back to basics and try to connect some of the disciplines you know about, perhaps without even realizing it, to sailing and to what the kids are up to at school.
Read Article »Cruising
The Perfect Day (or Summer) in Guilford, CT
Something of a well-kept secret, Guilford offers excellent marine facilities geared toward small to mid-size boats in a quietly elegant location conducive to rest, relaxation and casual summer fun.
Sail New York City and Newport: No Boat Required!
Check out these New York and Newport sailing schools and clubs and plan some exciting sail time.
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