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For over 27 years, more than 700 sailors have participated in the series of races at five sailing clubs in southeastern Connecticut (Thames Yacht Club, the Stonington Dinghy Club, Stonington Harbor Yacht Club, Niantic Bay Yacht Club and the Mystic River Mudhead Sailing Association) to raise funds that enhance programs for the patients and families under the care of Hartford HealthCare at Home Center for Hospice Care.
The annual Hospice Regattas hosted by Thames Yacht Club and the Stonington Dinghy Club/Stonington Harbor Yacht Club are happening on Wednesday, July 15. The Thames Yacht Club Regatta starts at 5:00 pm in the vicinity of Thames YC in New London. The Stonington Dinghy Club/Stonington Harbor Yacht Club Regatta also sets sail at 5:00 pm in the vicinity of the Wadawanuck Club in Stonington.
On Saturday, July 18, the traditional Mystic River Mudhead Benefit Cup Race and Mega Party promises a fun-filled day. Racing begins at 11:00 am in the vicinity of Horseshoe Reef, south of Groton Long Point. The Mega Party kicks off at 5:00 pm at Mystic River Shipyard in Mystic. On Wednesday, August 5, the Niantic Bay Yacht Club Regatta has a 5:00 pm start in the vicinity of Niantic Bay YC in Niantic. The races are followed by the Niantic Bay Yacht Club dinner.
For more information, visit the Center for Hospice Care website at hospicesect.org/fundraise/regatta-fundraising, or contact Allison Keck, Event Coordinator at Center for Hospice Care, at events@hospicesect.org or 860-848-5699. ■